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Quality as a company value

Take social responsibility

Quality has many aspects in modern companies. Traditionally, this predominantly refers to the high quality and durability of products. All of this remains important in globalised markets. Yet, the understanding of quality has significantly expanded. The concept of quality management therefore primarily involves the claim of delivering premium quality across all departments. This includes a workforce that is able to act reliably, responsibly and confidently based on well-founded individual training and qualification. There is a distinct ambition to set new developments in motion and this is supported by the aim for personal development based on training offers.

You can find our certificates under Downloads

Quality management certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

At the product and service level, we make every effort to offer as well as demonstrate quality. Intensive material testing and seamless order tracking, which extends up to the meticulous tracking of our end products, are measures that appropriately describe our quality management. The TÜV Nord has confirmed our ability to implement this at a high level and certified our company-wide quality management in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

Take social responsibility

We also collaborate closely with independent inspection and classification bodies as part of specific processes in order to maintain and reinforce our high level of quality. The continual optimisation of production processes and methods is an important aspect in this respect. The same applies for social responsibility, which we as a company are happy to take on. Key parameters, such as sustainable action, resource conservation and environmental protection are integral parts of our company philosophy.

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