The professional levelling of stainless steel plates is one of the most important services that we offer at our headquarters in Netphen-Deuz (Siegen-Wittgenstein district). Levelling is necessary whenever a precise dimensional tolerance of stainless steel plates is required for further processing.
Whenever plates up to 30 millimetres thick need levelling, that’s when our high-precision levelling equipment goes into action. Using 25 hydraulic rollers, the system applies an incredible 180 tons of levelling pressure, which quickly leads to the required result. We can machine stainless steel plates up to maximum dimensions of 6,000 x 2,000 x 30 millimetres.
Levelling in a continuous process

The levelling of stainless steel achieves an optimum flatness of the steel plate. Our powerful machines level stainless steel in a continuous process.
Levelling with variable pressure control
During the levelling process, we can adjust the pressure that is hydraulically applied to the stainless steel plate by the rollers to produce an optimum result. At the same time, the levelling machine is also continuously aligned by a computer system, although our employees are able to intervene manually in the stainless steel levelling process at any time. Despite the huge pressures involved, these have no influence on the original dimensions during the levelling process.