Sawing stainless steel in a professional and material-appropriate manner is still a real challenge for many companies today. At our company headquarters in Netphen-Deuz (Siegen-Wittgenstein district), we not only have the necessary know-how to saw stainless steel, but also a corresponding ingot band saw. With the help of this equipment and our qualified employees, we are able to saw stainless steels precisely and with consistent quality.
Decades of experience in stainless steel cutting
For more than 50 years, we have been a high-performance service provider in the field of stainless steel machining and processing. Our block band saw is capable of cutting plate thicknesses of up to 150 millimeters. Advantages of the process: sawing stainless steel does not introduce any heat and provides exactly perpendicular cut edges. The maximum dimensions of the stainless steel sheets we process are 6,300 x 3,000 x 150 millimeters. Sawing stainless steel with our block band saw means: sawing with amazing precision. The result is extremely straight cut edges that often make reworking unnecessary.
How does the block band saw work?

The task of cold sawing stainless steel requires cutting-edge machinery as well as a high level of experience. Particular care is required when machining stainless steel using a block band saw. Our block band saw not only ensures the reliable and precise machining of stainless steel, it does so without changing the properties of the material. To guarantee the highest possible level of machining, we have adapted our block band saw to the specific requirements necessary to ensure the reliable, safe and precise cold sawing of stainless steel.
Our block band saw is capable of machining stainless steel plates with maximum dimensions of 6,300 x 3,000 x 150 millimetres.
What are the benefits of the block band saw?
Despite its sheer size and the possibility of machining materials with extreme dimensions, our block band saw is a genuine specialist in accuracy and precision. It makes no difference whether the parts to be machined are small or relatively large, our block band saw performs its tasks with outstanding precision. Another benefit of the block band saw is the need for very little post-processing. Extremely straight cutting edges of an exceptional quality ultimately save time, effort and resources.